2013 is marching on. The mood is suddenly different: a spring in people’s step, a humming in the air, colours are emerging and the sun is out making everything look brighter and feel warmer. For many of us, it’s time to freshen up the home and get some colour back in.
With this in mind, we’ve showcased some beautiful properties for sale and rental in London Property Magazine this month, heard the latest news from London’s most prominent estate agents and now we’re giving you some amazing tips on what’s on trend for your home.. ACHICA Editor, Emily Peck, gives us some pointers – as it turns out, this season’s all about the colour blue! Here’s what Emily says:
“The colour blue in cool pastel shades, enchanting cobalts and jewel-like indigo hues are seen in fixtures and fittings throughout the home this season. Blue is a versatile shade that can instantly create a serene and stylish look when used at home. It’s a balancing colour that works well in bedrooms and living rooms alike and teams well with natural, neutral shades of crisp white, greige and ecru. It can be used to achieve a range of styles for your home – from contemporary city cool to relaxing coastal retreat.”
ACHICA_1303_EEmily further explains that little items, here and there, such as cushions and accessories are the perfect way to start experimenting with a fresh look. With cushions, for example, apart from having them on the bed or sofa, they can be kept on the floor and permanently used as foot rests especially if they blend well with the carpet colour.
If you’re feeling a little brave, wooden furniture such as bureaus, wardrobes and bedside tables can look stunning in pastel blues or slightly lighter variations of cobalts. It plays on peoples’ senses to take a traditional item and paint it an untraditional colour.
As for a nautical theme, white and blue stripes generally do the trick. This creates a relaxed and casual look especially if accessorised with the right chair and cushions.